Things Got Super Crazy at A-Kon 29 with BCharlotteD

Alice Wren - as Harley Quinn
Austyn - as The Joker
Kota Lee - as Yukiteru Amano
JC & Rin (The Trash Cave) - as Sun Wukong & Blake Belladonna (in the Dance-Off!)
Bethany Summersizzle & Captain Burton's Fun Time Sideshow
Scott Fischer & Michigan (the lovable & popular dog)
Sam (PixelMoon Studios)
Miniature Exchange
Tanto Cuore - from Japanime Games

It's finally time for the much awaited A-Kon 2018 video! As we talked about during our interview with Charlotte from BCharlotteD Cosplay, we had the wonderful opportunity to follow her around A-Kon this year & see the convention from her perspective. As you would expect, there was A LOT of cosplay involved: meeting up with other cosplayers, looking for cosplay pieces & props, doing photoshoots with photographers left & right, &, her favorite part, stopping to get pictures with random convention goers who liked her Misa cosplay! It was quite the experience. As you would assume, Sunday was the "slow" day for the convention, but it was still so jam packed with things to do & see, that we barely slowed down for a minute.

For those of you who don't cosplay or don't know anyone who cosplays, going to a convention in costume can be a bit of a process. As the day goes on, things inevitably happen to your costume that require adjusting or fixing, which may or may not be fully possible in the moment. As you try to move around the exhibit hall to see the vendors, people are stopping you every few steps to get pictures with you or of you. If you're lucky, your costume will be small enough that you won't be bumping into almost everyone you pass. If, however, you are one of those over-achievers that believe in "go big or go home"...well, good luck with that! And the icing to top it off, buying stuff from the vendors usually requires an entourage to be involved, either because your costume doesn't let you carry your purchases (or even your own money...sometimes) or because people are wanting pictures often enough that carrying your purchases around becomes a game of hot potato as you put them down & pick them back up every few steps. It's a very different world from the one experienced by all of the other convention attendees. 

Thankfully, the day went well & without incident for us! Considering the size that A-Kon has grown to & the controversy with the ticketing system that plagued the convention's first few days, that seems like an almost bombastic claim to make. After more than a decade attending conventions (...don't say it...), it can be a tiring & sometimes demoralizing experience going to convention after convention & seeing so much that can go wrong. However, if there is one thing to take away from this experience, it's that even at the conventions where it seems like everything is going wrong even before you arrive, you can still have a great time. The trick? Spend your time with friends or meeting new people, rather than focusing on the negative stuff. It can make all the difference.

BCharlotteD Cosplay:


Dallas Geek at Arlingcon 2018


North Texas Comic Book Show (ft. Scarlet Muse Cosplay)