Was the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Superior to the Sequels?

In the ongoing debate around Star Wars ever since the Disney purchase, we find that most arguments come back to the same, simple debate, “which trilogy was better: the prequels or the sequels?” Now, I know that some of you may be asking why not the original trilogy, too? And to that I say…they are perfect. Don’t bring them into this internet cesspit!

While many fans are willing to forget about the hatred pointed at the prequels only a few years back & forgive George Lucas for some of his more, shall we say, experimental faux pas with those movies, the arguments against them are still just as valid today as they were when the movies first came out. They are overproduced, underwritten messes with some of the most wooden performances that the heavily award-winning cast has been capable of to date. On the other hand, the sequel trilogy does have plenty of the aesthetic & thematic callbacks to the original trilogy to entice the fandom accept these movies as part of their beloved classics, but at the same time they also misused their good-will in an attempt to regurgitate essentially the same stories as the original trilogy while entirely missing the context that made them so unique & enduring. An objective review of both trilogies would say that they are both equally flawed & equally enjoyable as the spectacles they were intended to be. However, objective reviewing can be a bit dry, especially with something as over-analyzed as Star Wars. That’s why we are bringing in a special guest today to debate against Mike & see who can make the more persuasive argument.

In our first corner, we have friend of the show, David, arguing in favor of the prequels! In our other corner, we have Mike, arguing on behalf of his MASSIVE JJ Abrams love, in favor of the sequels! Who will walk away the victor? And can their friendship survive the fanboy rage? Find out all this & more today on Dallas Geek!


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