Did This Year Prove That E3 is a Complete Waste of Time?

For the video game industry, each year brings a new spectacle for how game developers announce their latest projects. Some companies will release a bombastic trailer on YouTube for a new IP that will get gamers’ attention; some will push out a half-baked commercial with a handful of celebrity spokesmodels that gets immediately ridiculed & memed across the internet; some will even throw their own press event, like EA Play, & hope that the dedicated marketing time will stand out from the crowd. However, the granddaddy of the gaming industry hype-machine is E3: the ORIGINAL gaming conference that started this whole chaotic cycle.

However, in recent years, many among the gaming community have wondered if E3 is still worth the effort. With so many major announcements hitting the internet all year long in an attempt to stay at the forefront of public attention, there have been far fewer genuine surprises left to announce at E3 than in years past. Most of the studio panels have turned into monologues & hype with little tangible substance, while full conference coverage from the major entertainment outlets has all but vanished in place of short editorials giving only the highlights, before moving on to other stories.

Here at Dallas Geek, we are deeply split in our opinions of the circus that E3 has become. Is E3 still worth our attention or is it time to let this gaming pioneer fade into the sunset? Find out all this & more on today’s audio exclusive podcast!


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