Can You Podcast at the Dallas Public Library?

With the ever expanding reach of the digital age & online media, more & more people are becoming encouraged to put themselves out there in ways like never before. With the power of the internet, some people have taken advantage of it’s massive searching capabilities in order to look through their own family history & connect with family members they never knew existed. Others have learned new hobbies, like sewing or knitting, & connected with a whole new community who shares the same interest. Yet others, knowing they have much to say & wanting to share it with the world, have found their voice & an outlet for it on sites like YouTube or podcasting services like Spotify & iTunes. However, no matter which of these things you most connect with, the hardest part for all of it is simply getting started. Many times, the largest obstacle is the lack of funding to buy the tools you need to do or make the things you want. Luckily, If you live in Dallas, that obstacle just became a thing of the past thanks to the most unlikely source: the Dallas Public Library!

This past weekend, they finally debuted their brand new Creative Spaces: three rooms within the library that are fully stocked with the tools you will need to get started with any of those three hobbies. Starting on the 8th floor, the Heritage Lab is fully stocked with all the tools you need to digitize your own family’s history. From high resolution document scanners gentle enough to capture generations old family records or journals to film scanners & recorders capable of digitizing home movies on VHS & camcorders all the way back to super 8mm film, no more will family history will need to be forgotten to time. They even have photo scanners capable digitizing film slides & negatives! There is even a fully searchable database accessible through that will allow anyone to research their family history, while they are working to add to their own records. What’s more, as you capture your own family history, you will have the option to donate those records to Family Search in order to help others who want to learn about their own heritage & are hoping that the information someone else has provided will help them in their own search for history.

Next up, we have the 4th floor, where the Fiber Arts Workroom is. If you are interested in anything related to fabric, this is the place for you. For the members of our audience who are interested in cosplay, this may very well become your new favorite place. Want to learn to make your own costumes, but don’t have a sewing machine, enough space to spread out the costume pieces to work on them easily, or anyone around to ask questions when you’re stuck? Guess what this room has waiting for you…? There is even enough space to bring several of your cosplay friends & work on all of your cosplays together. Need the whole room? You can reserve it. Think you know enough to teach a small class about sewing to other cosplayers? There’s space to do that, too. Have a whole pile of cloth & threads or outfit patterns that you no longer need while you try to clear out space at home? Donate it to the workroom! As the space continues to grow & expand, the possibilities are endless. And a quick pro tip: are you stuck at a convention downtown with a torn costume & don’t have a needle & thread for an emergency repair? Guess what’s right down the street from the Dallas convention center? You guessed it. The Library & its wonderful sewing machines!

Finally, are you an aspiring podcaster, but lack the equipment to really get started? Then, look no further than the 3rd floor’s brand new Story Center! They have a full table with microphones, mixing board, compressor, & Macbook Pro to record & edit your podcast. However, as you’ll see with our video, it will behoove you to take a few minutes & learn about mixing boards, if you’ve never used one before. Full disclosure, this was OUR first time working with one & there MAY be a little reverb that was inadvertently mixed into our recording…ok, there was definitely some reverb in our recording. (This, kids, is why educating yourself is a helpful thing to do!) Elsewhere in the room, you will find spaces for script writing & even a small green screen & camera to get you started!

If you have never been to the Dallas Public Library before or it’s been so long that your mind is suddenly rushing back to childhood memories, maybe this is the exact excuse you’ve been looking for to go check them out! If this all wasn’t enough to peak your interest, let’s leave you with one final thought: IT’S ALL FREE!!!



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