Special Announcement!!!

We have been invited to be the guest podcast entertainment at the downtown branch of the Dallas Public Library on Saturday September 14th for the grand opening of their new Creative Spaces! These rooms will give creators the space to make the things they love with the tools to help give them do it. The space we will be featured in is the 3rd floor Story Center, where they will have a full podcast setup available to use & record on! If you want to be part of our live audience while we record, we will go on at 5:00 p.m.!

And for all of the cosplayers, the 4th floor Fiber Arts Workroom will be dedicated to all things fabric & thread, including sewing, knitting, embroidery, weaving, & more! If that sounds like what you have been looking for, the tour of that space starts at 3:30 p.m.


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