Conventions for Newbies

Back when we first started this show 2 years ago, we began with a series that we called “Intro to Comic Conventions”. It was an attempt to give some essential knowledge & helpful tips to get convention newbies ready for their first con experience. We talked about all of the things that you would need to know about small & large conventions & even broke down each of the major parts of the convention experience so you could get through any convention while avoiding many of the missteps that most first time attendees tend to make. Well, like I said, that was 2 years ago & we’re no longer recording on a webcam with minimal production value, so we decided to do this again & make it even better! While this live stream was essentially a rehashing of what we said before, with a few new tips added in & a running commentary mocking us all the way from the cheap seats (i.e. the comments), it is also the first of what we hope will be several more videos about this subject. Over the rest of this summer, we’ll be bringing in different guests to help give their insights into everything con newbies need to know before they walk in the doors of their first convention!

Conventions worth checking out:


Doc's Comics & Games at Fan Expo Dallas


Roxas Studios at Fan Expo Dallas